We’re approaching that time of year again. It’s going to start getting warm again soon, which means you’ll probably want to pull your motorcycle out of storage and get it ready for some beautiful rides. But soon, it’ll get hotter and hotter and the weather will pose a new set of problems. That’s why Barnes Harley-Davidson has provided some tips to help you stay cool this summer. You can also stop by one of our locations in Langley, Victoria, or Kamloops, British Columbia, with any additional questions you might have. 

Risks to Watch Out For

Warm weather brings with it a unique set of risks that you need to be on the lookout for. Of course, there are some serious health issues that can arise from too much sun or heat exposure, like heatstroke and sunburn. These problems can range from mildly uncomfortable to life threatening, so taking steps to protect yourself is key.

Another concern you’ll need to be on the lookout for is reduced vision. Sometimes known as “sun dazzle,” when the sun is in your eyes, it can be difficult to see. This is particularly true first thing in the morning when the sun is still rising, and in the evening as the sun is setting, putting it directly in your eyeline at times. Being aware of these risks can help you better prepare. 

Stay Hydrated

Of course, one of the best things you can do for your body is to stay hydrated. Your body will naturally start to sweat so when the sweat evaporates, it helps you cool off. But this means you’re losing more fluids, more rapidly. The only way to offset this loss is to drink plenty of water. Consider investing in a hands-free drinking device so you don’t have to pull over to get a few sips of water. 

You’ll also need to up your electrolyte intake. Healthy fruit juice and a balanced diet can help with this. 

Plan to Ride at Cooler Times

One easy way to avoid warm spikes in temperature is to ride at cooler times of the day. This is usually first thing in the morning and much later in the evening, close to dusk. This can help you avoid some of the hottest parts of the day, which can be particularly helpful during months like July and August. 

Plan Breaks

Sometimes the best way to prevent overheating and adverse effects from warm days is to simply take a few breaks. Whether you’re traveling a short way or you’ve got an all-day drive ahead of you, consider stopping to cool off and stretch your legs every hour or so. It might seem like a lot of down time, but don’t forget that riding a motorcycle is a full-body workout. And just as regular resting breaks are important during cardio and strength training, so too are breaks when riding a motorcycle. Consider lining them up with meal times and finding fun things to do and places to see to make the stop more interesting. 

Dress Properly

Most days, when it’s warm out, you might consider wearing shorts and a T-shirt to stay cool. This won’t be the case for riding a motorcycle. You still need to be wearing all the right safety gear, but you can look for apparel that’s more breathable and lightweight. Don’t forget the wind from the ride will cool you off a bit, too.

You’ll also want to wear plenty of sunscreen on areas that are exposed to the sun. This will probably be most important for your hands and your face, and perhaps your neck, depending on what you’re wearing.

Finally, to help with that glare, you’ll want sunglasses. No matter what time of day you’re riding, it’s important to protect your eyesight from the sun’s bright rays. You can also look for face shields or goggles that offer UV protection, in lieu of sunglasses. 

With the right plan, you can enjoy riding your Harley-Davidson motorcycle all summer long! It might require a little adjustment to your day, but you’ve got a lot of great rides ahead of you, so if you still need the right bike, check out what we have available here at Barnes Harley-Davidson. We’ve got the perfect set of wheels for you, so contact one of our locations in Langley, Victoria, or Kamloops, British Columbia, today!