Vancouver Island Harley® Owners Group®

Owners Group®

Our common goal is to meet and bring together Harley-Davidson® riders from Vancouver Island. We have access to the most scenic coastal roads in the province. If you are a H.O.G® member, come join us.

We are joined for the common interest of promoting responsible local motorcycling activities for our members. We are a family-oriented, social organization of H.O.G® members dedicated to advancing the enjoyment, image, and safety of the sport of motorcycling. Our primary objective is to "ride and have fun." We also contribute in the support of local charities and fund raising efforts.

New members are always welcome. VIHOG membership is $20.00 and will also provide you access to the VIHOG private Facebook group where we share club information, timelines, photos, ride information, and more.

If you have any questions, contact any Chapter Officer or come out to one of our meetings. Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month except June, July, August, and December. You could also visit our VIHOG Website at ( for general information on membership, executive members, or the Chapter calendar of events.

NOTE: Paid members can also access the private Facebook site.

Harley-Davidson® Canada Owners Group H.O.G.®

You can submit the form at the dealership, but the fee must be paid to H.O.G.®.


Vancouver Island Group H.O.G® membership form

You can submit the form at the dealership. The $20 fee should be paid to the dealership.

H. O. G. ® Form