For most of us, trying to follow a health regimen can be tough because of our hectic lifestyles. However, there are plenty of easy ways to squeeze some healthy activities into a busy schedule. Riding a motorcycle is one such activity with several health benefits. You probably don't need another reason to take your Harley-Davidson motorcycle out for a spin, but it’s fun to know all the ways you are proactively helping your mind and body by doing so!

We rounded up our favorite health benefits of riding a bike below. If you’re still in the market for a new set of wheels, visit Barnes Harley-Davidson and explore our wide selection of Harley® motorcycles for sale. We are proud to be your premier British Columbia motorcycle dealer with locations in Langley, Victoria, and Kamloops.

Workout for the Brain

When you’re driving a car, you’re generally sitting still in a seat and your mind and body are only passively engaged. You hit the gas and brake pedals, or turn the steering wheel, and remain vigilant to your surroundings. But you aren’t really paying full attention or getting a lot out of the experience. It doesn’t take long for highway hypnosis to take over and you probably forget most parts of your journey.

However, when you hop aboard your Harley-Davidson bike, you’ll find yourself completely engaged in the ride from start to finish. Your brain is much more active since you’re constantly facing obstacles on the road. Everyone around you is bigger and potholes are more dangerous. You’ll be regularly scanning the area to check for any hazards. Balancing your bike also takes some mental effort, so all your grey cells will be fired up and you’ll feel much more alert and lively on your bike than you would in a car. Without a doubt, your brain gets an intense workout while you ride your Harley motorcycle.

Mental Well-Being

Remember that sense of excitement you experience when you strap on your helmet and straddle your bike? Doing something you love releases feel-good chemicals, like adrenaline and endorphins. The fun of riding a Harley motorcycle can improve your mood drastically and you’ll generally feel more positive. These effects tend to last long after you finish your bike ride.

Additionally, you might be able to reduce negative emotions, like stress. Stress can damage every major system in your body, from your nervous system to your digestive system. Plenty of research studies show that stress is a leading factor for most doctors and hospital visits, so anything that you do to reduce stress is a good thing. If that includes taking a spin on your Harley motorcycle, then ride to your heart’s content and feel your stress and anxiety melt away.

Workout For Your Muscles

Obviously, motorcycling isn’t for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of physical strength and endurance. When you’re balancing your bike as you ride, you’re engaging all your core muscles, as well as those in your shoulders and back, so you can maintain a good riding posture. Steering your bike engages your leg and arm muscles, too.

When you think about it, riding your Harley motorcycle is like a full-body workout that’s much more enjoyable than hitting the gym and doing a bunch of reps. The best part is that you’ll be heading to an exciting destination on your bike rather than sitting in a stationary vehicle for this form of low-impact exercise.

Soak up the Sun!

Last but not least, let’s not forget that hitting the road on your bike exposes you to sunshine, so you’re sure to soak up some vitamin D in the process. Remember, though, that it’s still vital to wear sunscreen to keep your skin protected from those harmful UV rays.

Of course, you’ll need a motorcycle to enjoy all these health benefits. If you are looking to buy a bike, check out our incredible selection of Harley motorcycles for sale near British Columbia. Barnes Harley-Davidson offers bikes for all budgets, lifestyles, and riding abilities. We have dealerships in Langley, Victoria, and Kamloops, so visit your nearest location today! Our friendly staff will be happy to help you find what you need.